Are you hosting a VBS program this year?

Honestly, my wife and I (mostly my wife) not only volunteer to help out at VBS each year, but we pretty much go ‘VBS shopping’ as well.

I think as homeschooling parents, we are always trying to overcompensate by ensuring our boys get plenty of “social interactions” with other kids. 🙂

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But truthfully, many parents are doing the same for other reasons as well.

For them, it may be to give the kids something to do for the loooong summer vacation period or perhaps they had their best memories at VBS as kids and would love for their kids to get in on the goodness.

Whatever the reason though, in many cases, these kids are getting more church in 1 week than they do in 1 year. You have their undivided attention, and unlike weekend church services, they are able to have fun and learn about Jesus.

This is a ministry.

Yes, a ministry!

Not a yearly chore or a “program” that you offer. It’s 100% a ministry and one of the most effective ways to not only nurture kids who may or may not attend church regularly, you are also able to connect with their parents.

If you don’t have an adult-focused program while hosting the VBS program, you are interacting with the parents and many of them do stick around, sing songs and learn along.

I have seen dozens of parents come to a church because of the VBS programs. Many, getting baptized, re-baptized or recommitted.

The common feedback from those parents was always centered around how excellent and professional the program was or how nice everyone was.

If your church is wrapping up its preparation for VBS, consider these simple but very critical tips last minute tips about planning for VBS.

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