Why rereading our top 2015 blogs will help your church’s digital strategy in 2016!

Recently, I reviewed the top posts on our websites.

Overall, traffic is up and people are spending at least 2 minutes per visit. However, reviewing specifically what’s working and why, helps us plan better content for you in 2016.

Here are our top 10 most popular posts of 2015, as well as the main takeaways for churches:

Like 2014, we saw churches and ministries implementing some of these digital tools, but this year most were taking it one step further by focusing more on what is working.

How do you know if something is working?
What do I measure?
I did ‘that’, now what?

What’s 2016 looking like for churches in communication and tech?
Churches are getting very savvy with the use of digital tools and many are realizing the need to go beyond live streaming, a pretty website and social. It is clear that the virtual space is where ministry starts. Most churches are wondering how to actually launch an online campus. A true virtual church experience.

Over the next few months, I am going to highlight the exact steps you can take to reach more people online, with the tools you may already be using (or what tools you need to acquire).

We are going to show you how to implement a communication plan that creates a path for your virtual visitors to onboard and eventually attend a local church.

The steps we have put together isn’t based on theory. It leverages our experience, as well as that of many top christian communicators that I have teamed up with, and now we are going to share these exact steps with you.

2015 saw a spike in new blogs and interest. We can’t wait to do provide more frequent and high value content in 2016.

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