Project: Ensuring parts are fully dried
Random parts exiting the conveyor belt at the end of the zinc line in the tumble room are damaged, misplaced and not fully and/or consistently dried. This may lead to rusting, defective parts, and wasted man hours and company resources (company losses).
- Improve dryer system at the exit end of the zinc line to ensure parts are fully dry.
- Consider conveyor and blow off at the exit of the zinc line.
- Parts must be dry exiting system
- Must consider part orientation and stacking
- Design and implement an inspection/test check for desired dryness
- Improve packing methods into baskets
- Consider a system where the parts do not fall into the basket from the current height. Noted defects can be partly attributed to this abrasive process (Figure 3).
- Design out any failure modes that exist within that section of the process
- Prevent parts from getting stuck to the sides, or the conveyor belt
- Prevent parts from falling off and outside the system of concern
Prototyping and Testing
Dummy Run
Final Prototyping