Honey, I got the Job!

So it’s your first “real” job and you are really excited or at least thankful – maybe about the benefits you’ll be offered or the location or prestige of the company. For some, it may be what you will be doing that is most important and exciting. But for most, you are probably just glad…

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UBC Experience: Developing Thriving Online Ministry from Scratch

In 2013, after partnering with St. Paul Community Baptist Church (SPCBC) to build our first PocketPew app, we received a call from Marcus o/b United Baptist Church (UBC), who was “card out of wallet” interested to get setup with a mobile app. He saw what we did for SPCBC and was really excited to add this tech tool to UBC.

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2011 MSEIP

This program was awesome. MSEIP Technical Administrator, Jan 2011 – Aug 2011 – Manage 30 students and a team of 4 chaperons. Assisted in planning and execution of the 2010 MSEIP summer program; syllabus, logistics, communications etc. Responsible developing surveys and facilitating improvements in the program.  Assisted with the communication among the participants. Assisted in…

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HU Minority Science Engineering Improvement Program 2010

Howard University Hosts 30 Future Scientists, Engineers, Mathematicians By Andre Nicholson University News Monday, August 09, 2010 At the end of the nearly four-week academically enriched program this summer, 30 high school students are much more knowledgeable in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) due to the annual Howard University Minority Science…

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My Spring Break 2008 | Giving Back

Howard Students to Spend Spring Break Helping Orphans in Panama WASHINGTON (March 8) — For many college students, spring break means ditching the books and heading south for sun and sand. But, the Howard University chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB-HU) will skip the beach and trade their swimsuits for work boots and hard hats…

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