Is Google penalizing your Ministry’s Website?
My wife had to spend three weeks in New Mexico on a business trip. In the past, I would not have been able to accompany her because I would need to be in the office. Our children would have needed to be in school. But with modern technology, it was possible for all of us to join my wife on her trip without disrupting work or school.
Read MoreYour Ministry Needs an Online Home. Here’s How to Build One!
The world we live in is undergoing a seismic shift. Once people lived their lives immersed in their local communities, but now people exist as individuals networked into far-flung and loosely connected groups of people.
Read MoreWhy it is Important to Build an Online Ministry Home!
Recently, my wife had to spend a few weeks in New Mexico for her job. Since I can conduct my online business from basically anywhere and our boys are home schooled, we turned it into a family adventure by accompanying her.
Read MoreICEE 2011 Poster
A poster I developed base on research done with Dr. Glakpe @Howard University. Highlight, MSEIP program. Click the pic to view larger image
Read MoreProject: Ensuring parts are fully dried
Random parts exiting the conveyor belt at the end of the zinc line in the tumble room are damaged, misplaced and not fully and/or consistently dried. This may lead to rusting, defective parts, and wasted man hours and company resources (company losses). Scope: Deliverables Improve dryer system at the exit end of the zinc line…
Read MoreEngineering Vs. Science
Hey Guys, I was actually rereading my Shigley’s book (Mechanical Design Book) for an internship. This came up and I found it interesting. “Engineers use science to solve their problems if the science is available. But available or not, the problem must be solved, and whatever form the solution takes under these conditions is called…
Read MoreASEE Global Colloquim Poster 2010
1st poster I developed base on some research done with Dr. Glakpe @Howard University. Highlight, MSEIP program. Click the pic to view larger image
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